- About the hospital
- Patients
- Rules and terms of hospitalization
- Inner order rules
- Schedule of reception of chief specialists
- Rules for making an appointment for an initial appointment
- Rules for preparing for diagnostic tests
- Free legal aid
- Accessible environment
- Memo for citizens on the guarantees of free medical care
- Patient rights and obligations
- State guarantees program
- Medicinal provision
- Clinical examination
- Types of medical care provided
- The procedure and conditions for the provision of medical care
- Criteria for the availability and quality of medical care
- What a patient needs to know about getting pain medication
- Memo on obtaining technical means of rehabilitation for temporary use at rental points
- Disease prevention
- The list of drugs under the program "7 nosologies"
- Specialists
- Procedures for the provision of medical care
- Standards of medical care
- Telemedicine. The procedure for preparing and conducting teleconsultation
- Telemedicine. Informed voluntary consent of the patient to conduct a telemedicine consultation
- Labor rationing
- Indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of employees' activities
- The volume of medical care for compulsory health insurance (state task)
- Paid services
- Contacts
- For foreing visitors/Medical Tourism
Check-ups Specially developed programs for a comprehensive medical examination.
Check-up "Contraception: preservation of reproductive health"
The questions of how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections are of concern to every woman. Choosing reliable contraception is not an easy task, and this issue should be discussed with a doctor.
Methods such as interrupted sexual intercourse and calendar can not be considered reliable and effective. Fortunately, in the XXI century there are many ways and means of protection from unwanted pregnancy and "unpleasant" diseases.
Required list of surveys:
- smear for oncocytology;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (on the 5-7 day of the menstrual cycle);
- colposcopy (simple or extended);
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands
- Biochemical blood analysis (AST, ALT,bilirubin,creatinine, urea)
The reception is conducted by the gynecologist of the Lipetsk regional consultative polyclinic Kochergina Inna Nikolaevna. Make an appointment by phone: (84742) 28-86-45.
Be healthy!